The first thing to take into consideration when making coffee is water; it makes up more than 98% of filtered coffee and around 90% of espresso. Knowing this, we understand how the water chosen makes a huge difference in all aspects to the final character of the drink. We will leave here a basic guide to better understand the different perceptions of this element in coffee and its characteristics.
Let's pay attention to the level of mineral content in the water: the ppm (measurement we use to know how much mineral particles we have in the water); Having this information and controlling it is a first step that provides a comprehensive reference that enhances the sensorial perception of coffee. Water hardness is defined by the amount of calcium and magnesium ions present in the water. The effects of this hardness are generally: too much hardness will produce bitterness and astringency, while too little hardness can produce a weak flavor and a tea-like body.
Ph | water acidity or basicity scale
In addition to ppm, we need to pay attention to pH. pH tells us, through hydrogen cations (H+or H3O+), whether our water is acidic, basic or neutral. With a low pH, coffee has an unbalanced and strongly acidic flavor, no matter which brewing parameters are changed. With a high pH, it is impossible to perceive any acidity in the coffee, removing its notes and characteristics from the drink. Therefore, we recommend using filtered or mineral water with a neutral pH, around 7.
In extraction, temperature is the most important factor. Through it, we can increase or decrease how much water can remove the soluble substances present on the walls of the ground coffee. So, basically, the hotter the more coffee is extracted. For light roast coffees - in our case - we recommend higher temperatures to extract the most from these delicate coffees.